Links 14 – 17 maart
- The Guardian: In Pakistan, saying goodbye can be a religious statement
- Buzzfeed: Heartbreaking Photos Of A Troubled Iraq War Veteran Win Pulitzer Prize
- Foreign Policy: Rotting From Within – Investigating the massive corruption of the Chinese military
- The Christian Science Monitor:
- Emirates 24/7: Saudi Arabia bans ‘gays, tom-boys’ from schools
- At War: On a Sunday Shift, Caught in the Taliban’s Sights
- Rolling Stone: The Rise of the Killer Drones: How America Goes to War in Secret
- Le Figaro: Les salafistes tunisiens montent en ligne
- Haaretz: Iran has saved Bashar Assad (for now)
- Al Jazeera: Dear America: My name is Khan. I’m not a terrorist
- Slate: The Bubble Wars – Both Obama and Romney are trying to paint the other candidate as out of touch with real Americans
- Foreign Policy: A Nation of Spoiled Brats
- The New Yorker: The Secret Service’s Prostitution Problem
- The Economist: After the sugar rush
- Time: A Year Under Martelly: Corruption Controversy Sidetracks Haiti’s Effort to Rebuild
- Salon: The freedom W. had — and Mitt lacks
- The Guardian: El Haqed, Morocco’s hip hop revolutionary
- McClatchy: Amid a trail of corpses, little doubt that Sudan, South Sudan are now at war
- Reuters: Photographer Notebook: Goran Tomasevic