Must-reads 9 – 15 december
The Guardian: China and cars: a love story
CJR: I am a journalist; ask me anything -Media figures are flocking to Reddit to converse with fans
Mother Jones: “Fuck You CNN”: How the Press Got It Wrong on Newtown
The New Yorker: Battleground America – One nation, under the gun
The Economist: The Founding Brothers – If approved, Egypt’s new constitution would be a step back into the Mubarak era
Wired: A Eulogy for #Occupy
Daily Mail: Welcome to the Hotel of Doom: The 3,000 room monstrosity in Kim Jong-Un’s starving dictatorship no foreigner has stepped inside… until now
Foreign Policy: The Land of Topless Minarets and Headless Little Girls – A requiem for Syria
The New York Times: A Hunger for Tales of Life in the American Cul-de-Sac
The Guardian: More journalists are held in the world’s jails than ever before
The Lede: Journalists Punched by Israeli Officers After Fatal Shooting at West Bank Checkpoint
The New Republic: Understanding Mohamed Morsi
The Economist: The rise of Mexico
CS Monitor: What happens if Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez misses his inaguration?
Bronx Banter Blog: The Best-Kept Secret in American Journalism is Murray Kempton
Trouw: ‘Egypte nu officieel bananenrepubliek’
The Guardian: The ANC Mandela built is a movement in search of its moral compass
The New Yorker: General principles – How good was David Petraeus?
GQ: Live on TV: The Fall of Greece